Membership is open to all with an interest in the area, especially residents. The annual subscription is £15, payable by standing order.
Over the last few decades, the value of property in the Ladbroke area has soared and money has poured into the area. Much of this money has gone to the restoration of dilapidated houses to their former glory. However, the financial boom in property has meant immense pressure on space and that has brought a big increase in planning applications, some for developments that are detrimental to the character and amenities of the area. So the Association’s role has never been more important, and the bigger our membership, the more effective we can be. We are also concerned that we should reflect the views of the broad and very mixed community who live in the area. We encourage everyone who is a resident of the Ladbroke Conservation Area to become a member of the Association so that their views may be heard in the debate on continuing issues in the area.
Please click here for a membership form.
Please print it and send the completed form (which includes a standing order instruction) to:
Kay Broadbent
Hon. Treasurer
The Ladbroke Association
C/o 9 Kensington Park Gardens
London W11 3HB
The form includes a Gift Aid Declaration form so that we can reclaim tax on your subscription.
If you prefer to set up a standing order online, please use your initial and surname as the reference. Please complete the rest of the form and send it to Kay Broadbent, so that we have your contact details and (if applicable) your gift aid declaration.
This page was last updated January 2024
© The Ladbroke Association 2020. All rights reserved. Charity No. 260627