Keeping the Ladbroke area special​

Listed buildings & article 4 directions

There are about a hundred listed buildings in the Ladbroke area, for which almost any change reqires planning permiission, including changes to the interior. There are good details of listed buildings on the RBKC website (with a brief description and photograph for each) at

In addition, most other buildings in the area are subject to one or more “Article 4” directions, which mean that planning permission is required for changes to certain features (most commonly front doors and windows; walls and fences; and rear elevations of buildings backing onto a communal garden) which would normally be “permitted development”. Rather confusing information on buildings subject to Article 4 Directions is at:

 The table below indicates which streets are in the Ladbroke Conservation area and gives what we believe to be a full list of listed buildings and buildings subject to Article 4 directions. The information is taken from Council documents, but we cannot guarantee that it is up-to-date, especially as regards Article 4 Directions. So please check with the Council by calling 020 7361 3012 for full details of individual buildings. The dates reflect the date that the listing or Article 4 Direction was made.



ARTICLE 4 DIRECTIONS (with details of the alterations subject to control)


(Grade II unless otherwise stated)

Arundel Gardens

All, plus the communal gardens. Designated in 1969.

1-41 odd 2-48 even: alterations of front windows or doors (1996)

1,5-47 odd; 2,8-44 even: erection, alteration or demolition of walls facing the communal gardens(1998);

5-41 odd 10-44 even: enlargements or alterations affecting the rear of the house (1998).

1, 5-47 odd, 2, 8-44 even: alterations to walls, gates and fences facing the communal gardens(1998).


Blenheim Crescent

All odd numbers, plus 1-14 and 36-94 evens. 36-94 evens, 41b and 43-137 odds were all designated in 1969.

36-94 even, 41B, 43-135 odd: alterations of front windows or doors (1996);

36-60 even, 53-135: provision or extension of hard standing in front (1996);

55-135 odd: alterations to the rear of the house (1998)

81,83: alterations to the side of the house (1998);

34-94 even 53-137 odd: erection, alteration or demolition of gates, fences and walls facing the highway (1998).


Boyne Terrace Mews

All.  Designated in 1969.

All: alterations of front windows or doors (1996)


Bulmer Mews

All.  Designated in 1974

All: alterations of front windows or doors (1996)


Chepstow Villas

35-41 odds and 54-62 evens, i.e. the section between Kensington Park Road and Portobello Road. Designated in 1969

35-41 odd, 54-62 even: alterations of front windows or doors (1996);

35-41 odd, 62: provision or extension of hard standing in front (1996).

35-41 odd 54-62 even: erection, alteration or demolition of gates, fences and walls facing the highway (1998).


Clarendon Cross

1b, 1c, Clarendon Works, 11 and 12. The rest is in the Norland Conservation Area.

12 Clarendon Cross: alterations of front windows or doors (1996)

12 Clarendon Cross: erection, alteration or demolition of gates, fences and walls facing the highway (1998).


Clarendon Road

13-99 odds and 2-110 evens. The modern terrace (1-11 odds) at the Holland Park end of the road are excluded from the conservation area, as are all the buildings on the east side north of Blenheim crescent.

2-10, 28-52, 56-110 evens;  31-41, 47-83, 87-99 odd: alterations of front windows or doors (1996);

2-52, 56-110, 13-99: provision or extension of hard standing in front (1996);

28-52, 68-78 even: alterations to the rear of the house (1998);

49-57,61-65, 67B, 69, 89-99odd, 28-42,46-52 even: alterations to the side of the house (1998);

41, 45A-83, 87-99 odd, 28-110 even: erection, alteration or demolition of gates, fences and walls facing the highway (1998);

28-78 even: alterations to walls, gates and fences facing the communal gardens (1998).

13-29 and 43-45 odds (listed in 1984);

85 (formerly the Clarendon Hotel) (1976);

12-26 evens (1984)

Codrington Mews

All (1-12).



Cornwall Crescent

3-77 odds (there is no 1); 2-14 evens.



Dale Row

All (numbers 1-3) and the gardens.



Elgin Crescent

All: that is 1-153 odds (1-15 were designated in 1989 and 17-153 in 1969); and 4-36; Galsworthy House; and 50-126 evens (16-126 and 50-126 were designated in 1969). There is no number 2.

16-36, 50-120, 124-126 even, 5-153 odd: alterations of front windows or doors (1996),

18-36, 58-120, 124, 126, 69-117 odd: provision or extension of hard standing in front (1996).

54-120 even, 17-59, 63-115, 125-153 odd: alterations to the rear of the house (1998);

76, 78 100, 102, 67, 69, 79 81, 103, 105: alterations to the side of the house (1998);

 15-153 odd, 16-36, 50-126 even: erection, alteration or demolition of gates, fences and walls facing the highway (1998).

17-59, 63-115, 125-153 odd: alterations to walls, gates and fences facing the communal gardens (1998).


Elgin Mews

Street only



Hayden’s Place




Holland Park Avenue

2-98 evens and Holland Park Underground Station (i.e. the north side of the street between Ladbroke Terrace and Clarendon Road. The south side is in the Kensington Conservation Area). Designated in 1969.

8-22, 34-38, 58, 60, 68-74, 80-82, 92-98 even: alterations of front windows or doors (1996)

2-22, 34-38 even: erection, alteration or demolition of gates, fences and walls facing the highway (1998).

2-6 (1974);

24-28 (1984);

30-32 (1969);

42-56 (1984).

Horbury Crescent

All (i.e. 1-15 odds; 2-28 evens). Designated in 1974.

All: alterations of front windows or doors (1996)


Horbury Mews

All (i.e. 1-12). Designated in 1969.

All (alterations of front windows or doors (1996)

11,12: alterations to the rear of the house and alterations to the side of the house (1998)


Kensington Park Gardens

All (i.e. 1-47). Designated in 1969.

1-9 consec, 23: alterations of front windows or doors (1996) ;

1-9 consec, 24: provision or extension of hard standing in front (1996)

1-9 consec: alterations to the rear of the house (1998);

3, 4, 6, 7, 9: alterations to the side of the house (1998);

1-9 consec, entrance to Ladbroke Sq Gardens Bn 9&10: erection, alteration or demolition of gates, fences and walls facing the highway (1998).

1-9 consec, The Cottage and entrance to Ladbroke Square Gardens between 9 and 10: alterations to walls, gates and fences facing the communal gardens (1998).



Also the gates between Nos. 9 and 10 leading to the gardens of Ladbroke Square.

All listed 1984.

Kensington ParkMews




Kensington Park Road

All except No. 2.

4-38;  54-184; and St Peter’s church designated in 1969.

1-15 odds and Kensington Temple (Elim Pentecostal Church) designated in 1974.

Buckingham Court, Kelvin Court, Latimer House, Matlock Court and Princes House designated in 1975.

1-15, 6-38, 56-96 (67); 114-146, 160-184: alterations of front windows or doors (1996);

126-184 even: exterior painting (1996);

8-38, 56-74, 122-184 evens: provision or extension of hard standing in front (1996).

30, 32: alterations to the side of the house (1998);

 72,74,126-146, 160-184 even: erection, alteration or demolition of gates, fences and walls facing the highway (1998).

148-158 evens (1984);

St Peter’s church (1949 – Grade II*);

Kensington Temple(1974);

Cabmen’s shelter at south end (1988).

Ladbroke Crescent

All (i.e 1-8 and 13-25 consecutive)



Ladbroke Gardens

All (i.e. 1-35). Designated in 1969.

15-31 consec: alterations of front windows or doors (1996);

22,23,35: provision or extension of hard standing in front (1996)

15-21, 25-31 consec: alterations to the rear of the house (1998);

33: alterations to the side of the house (1998);

33,34,35: erection, alteration or demolition of gates, fences and walls facing the highway (1998).

15-21 consec, 23: alterations to walls, gates and fences facing the communal gardens (1998).

1-14 consecutive (1984)

Ladbroke Grove

7-153 odds and 2-126 evens are in the Ladbroke Conservation Area.

 2-94 and 7-119 were designated in 1969, the rest later.

2-34, 42-94 even, 7-19, 41-49, 59-63, 67-75, 81-93,111-119 odds (alterations of front windows or doors) (1996);

14-68, 21-35, 63, 91, 93: provision or extension of hard standing (1996)

46-68,90-94 even, 67-75 odd alterations to the rear of the house (1998);

44-60 even: alterations to the side of the house (1998);

 14-32 even, 42-68 even, 85, 91,93 erection, alteration or demolition of gates, fences and walls facing the highway (1998).

70A, 83, 85: alterations to walls, gates and fences facing the communal gardens (1998).

21-35 and 65 odds (1984);

36-40 evens (1984);

96 (The Elgin) (1976);

108 (Library) (1984);

St John’s Church(1969).

Ladbroke Road

1-141 odds; 2-88 evens are in the Ladbroke Conservation Area.

12-86 evens and  65-139 odds designated 1969;  1-63a odds and 2-10 evens, including Police Station, designated 1974; 88 and 141 designated 1978.

Also Mercury Theatre (1974).

2-22, 40-52, 56-88 even, 1-87, 109-119, 137-139 odds: alterations of front windows or doors (1996).

2-22 evens,40-52 evens, 56-88 evens, 1-87 odds, 109-119 odds, 137-139 odds: provision or extension of hard standing in front (1996)

14: alterations to the side of the house (1998);

 7-55 odd: erection, alteration or demolition of gates, fences and walls facing the highway (1998).


Ladbroke Square

All (i.e. 1-47) (1969)

Also the gardens.

All: alterations of front windows or doors (1996)

47 (provision or extension of hard standing in front)


Ladbroke Terrace

All (i.e.3-19). Designated 1969.

3-17 consec (alterations of front windows or doors)

3-10 consec (provision or extension of hard standing in front);


Ladbroke Walk

All (i.e. 2-7 and 9-29). Designated 1969.

All: alterations of front windows or doors (1996)


Lansdowne Crescent

All plus the communal gardens. Designated 1969.

1-18, 39-43 consec: alterations of front windows or doors (1996);

 2-17 consec 43, 44: provision or extension of hard standing in front (1996)

7,8,15-17 consec: alterations to the side of the house (1998);

 2-18, 39-43 consec: erection, alteration or demolition of gates, fences and walls facing the highway (1998).

19-38 consec.


Lansdowne Mews

All (i.e. 2-10). Designated 1969.

All: alterations of front windows or doors (1996)



Lansdowne Rise

All (i.e. 2-6)

All (alterations of front windows or doors)

2,4,6, Lansdowne Court: erection, alteration or demolition of gates, fences and walls facing the highway (1998).


Lansdowne Road

All including communal gardens. Designated 1969.

53: most permitted development rights (1978)

2-110 (except No. 8), 1-27,49-103, 113-123,55: alterations of front windows or doors (1996) 

2-6, 10-66,110,7-87: provision or extension of hard standing in front (1996)

55: alterations to the rear of the house (1997)

15-27,49-103, 113-119 odd, 2-6, 10,12,16-26,68-106 even: alterations to the rear of the house (1998);

17,19,49,51,53,59,61 odd, 2,4,6,10,12,18,20, 22,22A,24,26,28, 46-56,62-66 even: alterations to the side of the house (1998)

14-108 even, 7-27, 49-123 odd, Laurence Court, Liddiard House: alterations to walls, gates and fences facing the highway (1998).

9, 15-27, 45-77, 79-123 odd: alterations to walls, gates and fences facing the communal gardens (1998).

Lansdowne House (1969);

2-12 (1969);

29-31 (1984);

33-35 (1982);

37-47 (1984).

Lansdowne Walk

All, including communal gardens. Designated 1969.

All (except No.1): alterations of front windows or doors (1996)

1-19 consec: erection, alteration or demolition of gates, fences and walls facing the highway (1998).

1 (1984)

19 (Thematic House)

Grade I (2018)

Pembridge Road

Prince Albert Public House (the rest is outside the area). Designated 1974.



Portland Road

142A. Designated 1969.

142A: alterations to front doors and windows (1996)


Portobello Road

15-275 odds; 138-252 evens.

15-17 and 55-63 odds designated 1969;

65-111 odds in 1975;

115-177 odds in 1989.

57-59, 61-93, 99-117 odds: alterations of front windows or doors (1996)


Electric Cinema (1974 – Grade II*)

Rosmead Road

All (i.e. 1-2).

1&2: alterations of front windows or doors (1996)

1: alterations to walls, gates and fences facing the communal gardens (1998).


St John’s Gardens

All and the communal gardens. Designated 1969.

All: alterations of front windows or doors (1996)

1-3: erection, alteration or demolition of gates, fences and walls facing the highway (1998).


St Mark’s Place

1-13 consecutive. Designated 1975

1-13 consec: alterations of front windows or doors (1996)


St Mark’s Road

1/9 and 2-4. The rest is outside the area.

2: alterations of front windows or doors (1996)

2: erection, alteration or demolition of gates, fences and walls facing the highway (1998).


Stanley Crescent

All (i.e. 1-25). Designated 1969.

14-25 consec: alterations of front windows or doors(1996)

14-23 consec: alterations to the rear of the house (1998)

23: alterations to the side of the house (1998)

1-9 (1984);

10-11 (1969);

12-13 (1984).

Stanley Gardens

All (i.e. 1-29) plus the communal gardens. Designated 1969.


All (1969)

Vernon Yard

All. Designated 1989.

All: alterations of front windows or doors (1996)


Westbourne Grove

282-306 evens; 283-305 odds. The rest is outside the area.

284-306, 283-289, 295-305: alterations of front windows or doors (1996)

291/293 (20th Century Theatre)

Wilby Mews


All: alterations of front windows or doors (1996)


May 2011.

Page last updated 1 June 2020